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2014.08.29 14:23

8/30. FRI. DAY 20: POWER

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

No trip to Israel is complete without a visit to the Garden Tomb, the location believed to be the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea where they laid the body of Jesus after He was crucified. When you go inside, you can see a little sign that reads, “He is not here, He is risen.” Jesus only borrowed that tomb for a few days. He rose from death to life—so that we may live in Him.

Resurrection power! We are dead to sin and alive in Christ by the same power that raised Him from the dead. The book of Romans tells us, “And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you” (8:10-11).

As you approach the end of your fast, reflect upon the power of God to bring life—to resurrect those things in our lives that are dead. It could be your marriage, your job, your passion for God. The Lord can raise to life what the enemy has tried to destroy. Hold fast to His promises.

When you fast and pray in alignment with God’s will, He hears. You can rest assured that you have set something in motion in the supernatural even if you are not able to discern them in the natural. Sometimes you can pray for something but you don’t see the answer right away. Keep praying. Don’t let go of your faith and do not cast aside your confidence!

It may be that the thing you are praying for is just not ready or in God’s timing yet.

Your prayers will not be ignored or discarded. Prayers don’t have an expiration date!